Hello friends and welcome on TricksKing.In. Today we are going to share post related to BookMyShow. In this you have to send message from mobile. You will recieve winpin code. You can use winpin code for ticket booking. Now you can also get Rs.50 off for bookmyshow. Follow the below steps to get the offer.
2. You can use with no minimum purchase.
3. You can make transaction from payumoney and get 20% discount.
4. Code is valid till 6 months from date of purchase.
Use the above steps and get Rs.50 Off. For more updates keep visiting TricksKing.In.
Steps To Get BookMyShow Offer
Step 1:- Use your mobile and type "BMSOFFER VCARD" send to 51818 (charges Rs 3) or 09239895050 (charges 1 Rs).
Step 2:- Now you will get 16 digit winpin code.
Step 3:- You can book ticket using this code and get discount.
Step 4:- To redeem the code select Movie at BookMyShow->select day and time->book seat->click on available discounts->enter code.
Step 5:- Now you can get discount on ticket booking.
1. Code can be used once per user2. You can use with no minimum purchase.
3. You can make transaction from payumoney and get 20% discount.
4. Code is valid till 6 months from date of purchase.
Use the above steps and get Rs.50 Off. For more updates keep visiting TricksKing.In.
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