Hello friend and welcome back to Tricksking.In. Our last post was "List Of Best Free Recharge Giving Apps Of Android". In our todays post we will go through the important tricks to create recovery drives. Our last post was "List Of Best Free Recharge Giving Apps Of Android", hope have enjoyed. This trick is helpful for those people who's computer gives trouble frequently. The creating recovery drives for such case is as important phenomena as your computer may crash any time or file gets corrupted, or registry gets busted.
Step 1: Go to Control Panel click on System and Maintainence.
Following Are The Steps To Create Windows Recovery Drive :
Step 1: Go at Control Panel from windows icon.
Step 2: Go in Recovery and click on "Create Recovery Drive".
Step 3: Click Next, if your computer has come with partitions you can copy to the USB.
Step 4: Select the specified USB drive you want to use as recovery drive and click next. All the other data will be erased from it.
Step 5: You will be asked to delete the recovery partitions please keep it and do not remove.
Creating The System Repair Disc For Windows 8 and 8.1 :
Step 1: Go to start and enter "recdisc", press enter.
Step 2: From the new dialog select the disc drive from empty disc inserted and click "Create Disc". The System repair disc will be created.
Creating The System Repair Disc For Windows 7 :
Step 1: Go to Control Panel click on System and Maintainence.
Step 2: Select backup and restore.
Step 3: At the left click on "Create a System Repair Disc".
Step 4: In the new dialog select the empty disc drive of your inserted disc and click create disc. The System repair disc will be created.
I recommend you to create recovery drive because its important for the emergencies.
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