Hi Users,
Fake profiles are a big problem on Facebook. Now days Fake Facebook Accounts is a new Trend on Facebook.Where as 20-30% of total Facebook Accounts are fake or more than that. The main purpose of Fake accounts on Facebook are Spam all over Facebook and Spread Virus.
But we can't Identify/Delete Fake Facebook Account from their account. And No one can't expect it from Facebook.
If you send lots of Friend requests to Unknown People Facebook providing the Block kind of feature your account and if you post or comment Spammy frequently, then Facebook Catches you and then next time when you try to Login again, it asks you to Identify Photos of Friends.
If this happened then Spammers to Create another Fake Facebook account, So we will going to help you how to Identify Fake Facebook Account easily.
Following Are To Identify Fake Facebook Account:
Fake profiles are a big problem on Facebook. Now days Fake Facebook Accounts is a new Trend on Facebook.Where as 20-30% of total Facebook Accounts are fake or more than that. The main purpose of Fake accounts on Facebook are Spam all over Facebook and Spread Virus.
But we can't Identify/Delete Fake Facebook Account from their account. And No one can't expect it from Facebook.
If you send lots of Friend requests to Unknown People Facebook providing the Block kind of feature your account and if you post or comment Spammy frequently, then Facebook Catches you and then next time when you try to Login again, it asks you to Identify Photos of Friends.
If this happened then Spammers to Create another Fake Facebook account, So we will going to help you how to Identify Fake Facebook Account easily.
Following Are To Identify Fake Facebook Account:
Profile Picture :
- If you Find any Facebook Account on your Friend list suspicious, then you will do is Use Reverse Image Search which helps you to find Similar Pictures are available on Internet.Then Download the Profile Picture of the account you find suspicious
- Go to Google images.Click on Camera icon which says Search by image.Click on Upload an Image, now choose the Picture you had downloaded earlier.Once the uploading Completes, google will show you Similar Images that already exist over internet.
- Mainly people uses Facebook Fake Account from the profile we can identify which account is fake and which one is real. Most of people created their account by using girls name to attract more and more people.
- And in Image folder there are only 1 or 2 Pictures that too of Random Celebrities then probably its fake.
- If the Person not update his/her account, or not Commenting regularly or not activated his account properly then it may be a fake account.
- On same day having a many birthdays guess On 1st jan 2014, i was shocked to see 28 people Having thier birthday, Guess what i performed the above Proccess.
Girls Profile :
- Many peoples created their Fake profiles by using Girl Identity and Beautiful face as a Profile Picture. Also shared Cell phone Number, which Girls Hardly give it in Public.
- Lots of Friends and Followers indicates a Fake Profile.
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